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[Juniper] How do I check if the Active/Passive NSRP pair configurations are in sync? How do I check if the Active/Passive NSRP pair configurations are in sync? SUMMARY: How do I check if HA configurations are in sync? Output of checksum command can be viewed in 'get log sys'.PROBLEM OR GOAL: Symptoms & Errors: How do I check if the Active/Passive NSRP configurations are in sync?When I run the 'NSRP checksum' command, no output is returnedSOLUTION: On either the Master or Backup .. 2014. 8. 21.
MS OS 간단한 취약점 점검툴 Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer(MBSA) MS에서 제공하는 간단한 취약점 점검툴 입니다. 다운로드 2013. 12. 6.
hping 설치 및 사용방법 URL: hping.org 1. 설치방법- 다운로드hping.org/download.php 에서 Source를 확인# wget http://hping.org/hping2.0.0-rc3.tar.gz - 압축해제# tar zxvf hping2.0.0-rc3.tar.gz - 설치※ 압축해제한 폴더내 INSTALL을 참고하세요.# ./configure# make; make install 2. 사용방법Option 정보usage: hping host [options] -h --help show this help -v --version show version -c --count packet count -i --interval wait (uX for X microseconds, for example -i u1000) .. 2013. 7. 5.
Google OTP로 SSH 2단계 인증 사용 The Google Authenticator project includes implementations of one-time passcode generators for several mobile platforms, as well as a pluggable authentication module (PAM). One-time passcodes are generated using open standards developed by the Initiative for Open Authentication (OATH) (which is unrelated to OAuth). These implementations support the HMAC-Based One-time Password (HOTP) algorithm sp.. 2013. 6. 3.
Cisco :: Cisco ASA rommon new image upload Cisco :: Cisco ASA rommon new image upload 1. ASA 방화벽 Console 연결2. Power 케이블 연결 및 전원 ON3. ROMMON mode로 접근4. ROMMON mode에서 설정rommon #1> ADDRESS= #2> SERVER= #3> GATEWAY= #4> IMAGE=asa~~~.binrommon #5> PORT=Ethernet0/05. TFTP upload 실행rommon #6> tftpupload와 동시에 새로운 이미지로 재시작 2013. 5. 23.